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Lenka studied journalism at Comenius University and  at the same time economics at  University of Economics. She graduated in English and attended language school courses for 6 years.  The turning point came with the birth of her own daughter, when she discovered the unexplored  corners of the child's soul. Right now  life role change and  the effort to put her baby to the best brought her to Play Wisely®.  She graduated  training of trainers  Play Wisely® for children from 4 months to 3  years  led  Klára Kulichová.

FROM  From his own experience, he knows that Play Wisely® children enjoy because the lessons take the form of a game  a  entertainment. The human brain knows best when learning is related to  with joy. At work  with  she is fascinated by her youngest children from the ability to concentrate from an early age.  The Play Wisely® program appealed to her because of its complexity, as it develops cognitive,  the motor side of the child and  at the same time in  it builds trust in  himself and  their  abilities. "Children are the most precious thing we have, and  what to  We put them in  will return several times. For children are our future. "


At Comenius University  She graduated from the Department of Andragogy in Bratislava  a  already during school  with Majka several  years devoted to human resources and  human resources.  After the birth of the first son  decided to change her work focus  a  she loved working with  children.
After completing professional training  began to devote to swimming children  a  exercise parents with  children.  After the birth of her second daughter  Majka also completed her education and  graduated two years  study in  Department of Kindergarten Teaching  a  Education at Pedagogical and  Social Academy in  Bratislava.  As a passionate yogi and  Pilates was also addressed by children's yoga.  Montessori philosophy a  activities Majku  have been interested for a long time, so she participated  semi-annual Montessori training  for children 0-3 years. Currently passing  certification process of the International Association  infant massage. Work with  kids is really what he loves!

"WITH  Play Wisely I first met as a mom when I started attending  Playko s  my youngest son and  I was excited from the first moment. Connection  cards, Montessori activities,  fine motor skills, movement and  gross motor skills is  ideal. My son  on the clock  he learned a lot  he gained a lot of knowledge but learned  respecting borders and rules, ending activities, concentrating,  cooperate and  help a friend  wait patiently  while she likes it. and that's probably the most valuable thing to me.  I am very happy to be part of the Play Wisely and  I will be able  to accompany children and  their parents in their wise play. "


Lucka studied art and dramatic art at the Bratislava Conservatory, where she went through many dance styles from classical to jazz, folk, Russian and Irish dances, to contemporary technique. He loves singing since childhood and to this day he devotes himself to it as well as dancing. In acting, she could look inside the characters and their psyche, where she became more acquainted with and interested in psychology. Later, she graduated from the conservatory with a degree in acting, dance and singing and thus gained a pedagogical minimum for teaching mainly acting. 
In recent years, she has begun to ride a horse, where she occasionally helps as a reinforcement in hippotherapy. At the age of 13, she went to help her mother's home with newborns, where she began to become acquainted with the difficult role of parents or the proper treatment of the baby. Gradually, she began to realize how much love these children lacked, and so at the age of 14, as an animator at the Salesian Center, she began to devote herself to children from socially disadvantaged families, to whom she still does today. She noticed the great problem that can arise in the learning or behavior of these children if they are not treated with great love and attention from childhood. That is why she decided to cooperate with Oz Cesta Von - project  Omama, who is very supportive of Play Wisely. It is a project that is of particular interest to children in Roma settlements, where they seek to stimulate the child's brain in early childhood through play, as in Play Wisely, and also to strengthen the mother-child relationship. For them, Lucka became a trainer of our Play Wisely method and also a supervisor at lessons directly in Roma settlements.
She learned about the Play Wisely program from our teacher Hanka. It appealed to her a lot and so she completed the training of Play Wisely lecturers for children from 4 months to 4 years led by our trained lecturers. In less than a year, she held a certified Play Wisely training led by our founder Petty Hannan in Prague. She also attended the Respect and Be Respected seminars. It is a way of communication that he tries to approach the child respectfully, even in our lessons.
The approach and method of play for our little ones, which gets to children through Play Wisely, is a wonderful way for her to achieve the right psychomotor development and the right habits of the child simply through the game.
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Volá sa Lucka,


napriek vyštudovanému manažmentu,vedela už od prvého momentu,že najlepšou investíciou do budúcnosti,je zábava a starostlivosť o naše ratolesti.

Tak začína príbeh krátky,

túto prácu robí z lásky,

pre detičky každý deň,

bol to predsa vždy jej sen.


Pribi a čísla nešli nikdy dokopy. Práca s ľuďmi však áno. Preto vyštudovala personálny manažment na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave. Časom však zistila, že ju viac baví práca s deťmi. Tá vznikla v čase, keď sa jej narodil malý brať. Intenzívne strávený čas po boku mladšieho brata v nej vzbudil nielen pocit zodpovednosti ako staršej sestry, ale aj poslanie rozvíjať deti od ich útleho veku. Postupne ako rástol jej brat, rástlo aj jej poslanie. Začínala najprv v materskom centre, kde mala na starosť, no pre ňu to bola vždy radosť - herňu. Neskôr začala súkromne opatrovať deti najprv na Slovensku a o pár rokov neskôr aj v zahraničí.

Po návrate zo zahraničia v dôsledku pandémie, sa rozhodla skúsiť prácu v súkromných jasliach. Táto práca ju veľmi napĺňala počas niekoľkých rokov, až kým sa nestretla s programom Play Wisely®, ktorý ju natoľko nadchol, že sa rozhodla pre zmenu.


O programe Play Wisely® sa dozvedela prostredníctvom instagramu a od kamarátok, ktoré tento program navštevujú so svojimi detičkami už nejaký čas. Neváhala a chcela byť jeho súčasťou aj ona. Veľmi ju fascinuje práca s kognitívnymi kartami, ktorá drží nielen deti, ale aj ich mamičky pri pozornosti.


Kristínka studied German language and literature at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Bratislava. She worked in Austrian companies, where she knew how to use mainly German, which she enjoyed since childhood. In her free time she is a passionate tourist, runner and she also has great success with her dog in dog trekking, where she has competed many times in Slovakia and abroad.

But with the advent of motherhood, everything changed and Kristínka found herself completely in motherhood. With the longed-for daughter, there were also big challenges that she had to solve. Adelka's daughter has PAS, and that meant a lot of searching for various solutions to help her daughter as much as possible, and at the same time she came across Play Wisely and the great teacher Vevonika, who really started Adelka. With all ten, Play Wisely also recommends parents who have a child with a disability. Adelka saw progress from lesson to lesson, and a parent who has a child with PAS knows how difficult it is to make progress in this diagnosis. " Even during the first lessons, it occurred to me that this was exactly what I would enjoy and fulfill. Seeing the children progress from lesson to lesson . "So when the daughter got to kindergarten with her assistant, she decided to train Play Wisely for children from 4 months to 3 years old." And she already knows that I made the right decision. . "

Kristínka takes this work as a mission. "I want to help the children as much as my daughter and me were helped." This program is unique and develops the child's potential at a time when it is his most natural and especially unforced playful form. 


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Adri graduated from the Faculty of Business at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He has been active since childhood

devoted to finning. During her student years, she continued as a coach

fin swimming and children 's swimming instructor. During the holidays, she worked as a children's animator  camps. From this period she also has experience in caring for a physically handicapped girl to whom  helped as a personal assistant. Sport and movement have always fascinated her.


In addition to employment, she graduated  BabySoma® professional physical education courses, focused on the development of children's movement from  birth to 3 years.  "I met Play Wisely® for the first time with my younger daughter in class. I've been from the beginning  excited by the lessons and growing up as a daughter, I saw her amazing progress. I like it at Play Wisely  a unique combination of activities to support sensory perception, fine and gross motor skills. And all that  in a playful way, taking into account the proper psychomotor development of the child.


Even after my first kindergarten, I knew it  I want to go back to working with the kids and after taking the Play Wisely® lessons, I just intend to  confirmed. I have always enjoyed working with children and the greatest feeling of satisfaction was for me when I saw  how they are progressing and what great progress they are making. Everyone has their own individuality and every success is huge  a step forward for the baby. A small step for humanity, but a huge one for that man. "



Adri graduated from the Faculty of Business at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He has been active since childhood

devoted to finning. During her student years, she continued as a coach

fin swimming and children 's swimming instructor. During the holidays, she worked as a children's animator  camps. From this period she also has experience in caring for a physically handicapped girl to whom  helped as a personal assistant. Sport and movement have always fascinated her.


In addition to employment, she graduated  BabySoma® professional physical education courses, focused on the development of children's movement from  birth to 3 years.  "I met Play Wisely® for the first time with my younger daughter in class. I've been from the beginning  excited by the lessons and growing up as a daughter, I saw her amazing progress. I like it at Play Wisely  a unique combination of activities to support sensory perception, fine and gross motor skills. And all that  in a playful way, taking into account the proper psychomotor development of the child.


Even after my first kindergarten, I knew it  I want to go back to working with the kids and after taking the Play Wisely® lessons, I just intend to  confirmed. I have always enjoyed working with children and the greatest feeling of satisfaction was for me when I saw  how they are progressing and what great progress they are making. Everyone has their own individuality and every success is huge  a step forward for the baby. A small step for humanity, but a huge one for that man. "


From early childhood to adulthood, Katka worked as a dancer and singer in folk ensembles in Bratislava, where she performed at various festivals not only in Slovakia but also abroad. In his spare time, he enjoys painting, photography, traveling, baking, gardening, and skiing in the winter months.


After graduating from the eight-year grammar school, Katka studied at the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Bratislava. At the moment, however, she started studying the field of preschool and elementary pedagogy at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Bratislava, given that her relationship with children was, and still is, stronger than the paragraphs.  

She learned about the Play Wisely program through teacher Katka, who visited their family business, where Katka comes into daily contact with children. Katka  completed training of Play Wisely lecturers for children from 4 months to 5 years led by our trained lecturers.

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Adri graduated from the Faculty of Business at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He has been active since childhood

devoted to finning. During her student years, she continued as a coach

fin swimming and children 's swimming instructor. During the holidays, she worked as a children's animator  camps. From this period she also has experience in caring for a physically handicapped girl to whom  helped as a personal assistant. Sport and movement have always fascinated her.


In addition to employment, she graduated  BabySoma® professional physical education courses, focused on the development of children's movement from  birth to 3 years.  "I met Play Wisely® for the first time with my younger daughter in class. I've been from the beginning  excited by the lessons and growing up as a daughter, I saw her amazing progress. I like it at Play Wisely  a unique combination of activities to support sensory perception, fine and gross motor skills. And all that  in a playful way, taking into account the proper psychomotor development of the child.


Even after my first kindergarten, I knew it  I want to go back to working with the kids and after taking the Play Wisely® lessons, I just intend to  confirmed. I have always enjoyed working with children and the greatest feeling of satisfaction was for me when I saw  how they are progressing and what great progress they are making. Everyone has their own individuality and every success is huge  a step forward for the baby. A small step for humanity, but a huge one for that man. "

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Adri graduated from the Faculty of Business at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He has been active since childhood

devoted to finning. During her student years, she continued as a coach

fin swimming and children 's swimming instructor. During the holidays, she worked as a children's animator  camps. From this period she also has experience in caring for a physically handicapped girl to whom  helped as a personal assistant. Sport and movement have always fascinated her.


In addition to employment, she graduated  BabySoma® professional physical education courses, focused on the development of children's movement from  birth to 3 years.  "I met Play Wisely® for the first time with my younger daughter in class. I've been from the beginning  excited by the lessons and growing up as a daughter, I saw her amazing progress. I like it at Play Wisely  a unique combination of activities to support sensory perception, fine and gross motor skills. And all that  in a playful way, taking into account the proper psychomotor development of the child.


Even after my first kindergarten, I knew it  I want to go back to working with the kids and after taking the Play Wisely® lessons, I just intend to  confirmed. I have always enjoyed working with children and the greatest feeling of satisfaction was for me when I saw  how they are progressing and what great progress they are making. Everyone has their own individuality and every success is huge  a step forward for the baby. A small step for humanity, but a huge one for that man. "

Gabi is a graduate of STU, FCFT. She has a state degree in English, which she obtained after graduating from a bilingual grammar school. She got into the Play Wisely program  already in 2013 with his first daughter. She was one of the first mothers to play wisely with the founder of the Wise Play in Bratislava,  Klárka Kulichová. She was so impressed by Play Wisely that she wanted to try out as a teacher, so in 2014 she took a Play Wisely course led by program founder Patty Hannan.
In 2015, Gabi took a swimming instructor course for infants, toddlers and preschoolers at the accredited workplace of Eva Kiedronová. In this course, she acquired the ability for physical education of infants, toddlers and preschool children.
What  Concerning Montessori philosophy, Gabi attended several educational seminars at a holistic center for education focused on working with children aged 0-6 under the auspices of Eva Starková.
Play Wisely program passed  with both of their daughters, 8 years old and three and a half years old, they enjoyed each lesson very much and enjoyed it. Gabi also took care of the children during their stay in the UK, where she had the opportunity to take care of 2 children with special needs. Currently, the Wise Play program covers the administrative side, so if you have any questions regarding the administration, the reservation system, do not hesitate to contact her at :)
Founder of Play Wisely Slovakia,  Klára completed a 2-year international Montessori pedagogy course for children from 3 to 6  years  led by the internationally recognized association AMI (Association Montessori International),  whose founder was directly Dr. Maria Montessori. She worked in Montessori kindergartens  in Vienna, Prague and Bratislava. The principles of Montessori pedagogy profoundly influenced him  perception of children and the role of the teacher. Working with children The Montessori method is huge for her  joy and fills it with happiness to see children how this approach can turn on their light  in the eyes, etc.  heart. He is currently fully engaged in his maternal duties - his son David.
Consideration​ She learned about the Play Wisely® method through enthusiastic mothers and decided to attend a training led directly by the founder of Play Wisely®, Patty Hannah. Personally, she was most interested in the method, which is based on the latest research and scientific knowledge of NASA  and at the same time  at the same time it goes  for such great fun for both the child and the parent.​ Consideration
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