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Why choose

our preschool?

"The child is the one to lead the way!" Maria Montessori​

Naša Montessori škôlka je zaradená v Registri zariadení predprimárneho vzdelávania Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky. 

Montessori pedagogy
The Montessori approach offers children  well - prepared stimulating environment that will strengthen and support their independence, self-confidence, desire to explore the world  with ease and joy.  Arrangement of activities in the classroom supports the child in independent decision-making and leads to order. A mixed age group of children is important for the development of social skills.
Bilingual environment
In our kindergarten we offer bilingual Slovak - English environment.  We teach English in the most natural way; throughout everyday  communication. Our English - speaking teachers also work with the Jolly Phonics method, which has become a very popular method around the world and achieves excellent results in teaching English.
Garden, gym and forest
Škôlka sa nachádza v tesnej blíkosti lesa, má vlastnú záhradu a deti majú k dispozícii aj telocvičňu pre športové aktivity a iné zábavné aktivity.
A qualified team
Education is provided by an experienced pedagogical Montessori team trained by AMI and Montessori CR with numerous foreign experiences. Our teachers respect the individual needs of a child, offer appropriate activities and stimulate a healthy curiosity for knowledge. 
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Therapists and a therapy room
In our kindergarten, we cooperate with an internal team of therapists in the field of child psychology, therapeutic pedagogy and speech therapy thanks to cooperation with the Play Wisely program. The support of experienced experts is thus available to our teachers, children and parents.
Respectful approach
We approach children with sincerity and love. Our communication with children is based on a respectful and empathetic approach. We set boundaries sensitively, comprehensibly and patiently. We help children develop social skills and emotional intelligence. We will give children freedom, independence and the responsibility that comes with them. 
Healthy food and environment
In addition to a rational and balanced diet, we offer children a healthy environment, a stay in nature or aromatherapy. We support ecological education and a positive attitude towards the environment. We guide children to waste minimization, separation, recycling or reuse of various things and materials. 
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